
When I first set up this blog, it was to be a space where my friends and family could follow my artistic progress and development. However, I've noticed "strangers" from all over the world have been looking. Ahhhh! When I first realized this I was horrified, then dismayed, now pleased. I started thinking that I might need to reconsider what I was putting out there "in the public eye." (Everything you see posted here is either a work in progress or an experiment.) But now I'm thinking that I will leave my blog as it is and just say welcome to all my new family and friends! I hope you will come back often and continue to watch and support my development as an artist. And hopefully one day soon you'll be able to look back and say... "I knew her when..."
If you see something here you would like to have as a print or an original please contact me using the Contact page. Enjoy your visit. ~gina